Intercomparison in multimeter calibration

End of subscription: 9 march 2018

Interlaboratory Comparison in multimeter calibration

The intercomparison is based on the calibration of a multimeter (HP 34401A).


Calibration method

The calibration method is not imposed but the internal method of participants is to be favored.

The caracteristics and clibration points of the multimeter are:

All the tests is not mandatory.


Organization of the Multimeter ILC

Each participant will have to calibrate the multimeter. It will go from laboratory to laboratory.

The multimeter will be send back periodically to a refence laboratory to ensure its stability between the calibrations.


Fact sheet and Registration of the Multimeter ILC

Download the fact sheet and registration form for this interlaboratory comparison below:

thumbnail of Fact_sheet_ILC_2018_multimeter_v1

Fact sheet

thumbnail of Registration_form_ILC_2018_multimeter_v1

Registration form

For more information ont this intercomparison or if you hace specific needs, please contact us :

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