1 September 2016

Who are we ?

Specialized for more than 30 years in the fields of Metrology and Quality, CT2M is a cooperative and participative company (SCOP) which has three main activities:

  • Training, audits and advice in quality and metrology
  • Calibration of masses from 1 mg to 5 tons in a laboratory accredited according to ISO 17025 by COFRAC (accreditation n° 2-1292 - Scope available on www.cofrac.fr)
  • The organization of inter-laboratory comparisons (ILC) in a wide range of fields, with COFRAC accreditation for ILC in the field of mass calibration (accreditation n°1-7127, scope available on www.cofrac.fr)


Under the impetus of the PACA region, CT2M was created in 1993 as an association under the 1901 law. The site is located in the Centre des Creusets de St-Chamas. The initial objective of the structure is to create a mass calibration laboratory, accredited by COFRAC for companies in the PACA region.


Centre des Creusets – St Chamas

Until 2005, the team was formed by 4 people. InGroup studyparallel with masses calibration, a real need is felt in the field of metrology training, first in the field of masses and scales, then quickly in all fields of activity where measurement is essential to quality. The first CT2M courses were then created, first for companies in the PACA region, then quickly throughout France.

metrologie-ct2m-dessin-kadeyIn 2005, as the demand intensified with the obligation to accredit medical biology laboratories, the CT2M recruitment and training/consultation also took off. The training courses adapted to the needs of the customers make the reputation of the CT2M and the themes expand with the specific requests of the users.
In 2009, the team consisted of 7 people, including 4 consultants. Also, training, consulting and audit activities were developing in many fields of activity such as medical biology, pharmaceuticals, nuclear, environment, agri-food, chemistry, petrochemistry, aeronautics, electronics, etc.
Normative and regulatory developments are closely monitored, allowing CT2M to be responsive to growing demands.

In 2014, the CT2M launched a new challenge:Fiolesau défi : organiser des comparaisons inter-laboratoires. Le premier est déployé dans le domaine des désinfectants et antiseptiques chimiques et se révèle être une réussite : 18 laboratoires participants implantés dans 5 pays européens.

In 2016, 10 people make up the CT2M, including 6 consultants who still travel as much in companies and laboratories throughout France. This year is a turning point as it marks a milestone in the organization of the CT2M…

The transition to SCOP (cooperative and participative company)

SCOPThe status of association was no longer appropriate and the willingness of employees to invest individually in the company was present. The Société COopérative et Participative (SCOP) then became the most appropriate way to maintain the CT2M while preserving the team spirit and the current organisation, with decision-making left for the employees themselves.

With the support of the Regional Union of SCOPs, the association was therefore transformed into an ARL SCOP on 1 April 2016 at a joint general meeting.


The CT2M has 3 major activities: mass calibration, training/consulting/auditing and the organization of inter-laboratory comparisons, with external recognitions such as QUALIOPI certification for training activities and accreditation by COFRAC:

FMWEIGHTS1Masses from 1mg to 5T continue to be calibrated under COFRAC accreditation (accreditation n° 2-1292 - scope available on : wwww.cofrac.fr). The laboratory stands out today for its calibrations of special masses and 5T, and calibrations in class E2 in the range 1mg to 1kg.

formationimage2The training, consulting and audit activity covers the whole of France, including the French overseas departments and territories, and now represents 80% of CT2M's turnover. The needs of laboratories and companies are constantly at the centre of our concerns. That concern is the strength of our training organisation which offers services adapted to be the most accurate. In addition, the consultants are committed to implementing technological and normative monitoring in order to be continuously present on the market of the many sectors of activity close to them.

The inter-laboratory comparisons organization has been growing since 2015. New themes are being studied for the coming years. The accreditation obtained in January 2023 for the CIL in the field of mass calibration from 1mg to 20kg (accreditation n°1-7127, scope available on www.cofrac.fr) rewards a work done over several years which will continue...
