22 June 2023

Comparaison inter-laboratoires sur l’étalonnage d’un multimètre / Proficiency testing on multimeter calibration (2023-2024)

Publication du rapport final : novembre 2024

Interlaboratory comparison on the multimeter calibration targets accredited calibration laboratories (according to ISO 17025) but also testing laboratories carrying out their own calibrations and / or controls of their own multimeters.

Proficiency testing item

The comparison is based on the calibration of an Agilent 34461A multimeter (6 ½ digit resolution). Full specifications are in the data sheet below.

Multimeter calibration method

Calibration method is not imposed. Internal method of participants is to be favored.

Calibration points are detailed as follows:

Direct current (DC)

  • Potential difference: 100 mV – 50 V – 800 V
  • Current intensity: 100 µA – 500 mA – 5 A
  • Electric resistance: 100 Ω – 100 kΩ – 1 MΩ – 100 MΩ

Alternating current (AC)

  • Potential difference: 100 mV – 100 V – 750 V
  • Current intensity: 10 mA – 1 A – 8 A

Participants may register for one or more sizes. It is not mandatory to perform the calibration for all the proposed points. Moreover, any laboratory can participate, whatever its level of uncertainty.

Organization of the Multimeter PT

Each laboratory must calibrate the multimeter within one or two weeks. The multimeter will circulate successively from one participant to another from September 2023, according to the schedule sent out at the start of the campaign.

The multimeter will be send back periodically to a refence laboratory to ensure its stability between the calibrations.

Description and registration of the Multimeter PT

Download the fact sheet and registration form for this interlaboratory comparison below:

Fact sheet

Registration form


To register for this interlaboratory comparison, please return the completed registration form by e-mail to: cilmultimetre@ct2m.fr

For more information on this PT or if you have any special requirements, please contact us:

    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)

    Your phone number


    Concerned PT (optional)

    Your message
