4 January 2018

Comparaison inter-laboratoires (CIL) sur l’étalonnage de masses / Proficiency Testing (PT) on mass calibration (2023)

Publication du rapport final : avril 2024

Interlaboratory comparison on the calibration of masses targets accredited calibration laboratories (according to ISO 17025) but also testing and analysis laboratories carrying out their own calibrations and / or controls of their own masses. This proficiency testing is COFRAC accredited, according to No. 1-7127 (scope available on www.cofrac.fr).

Mass calibration PT

The nominal masses of the entities to be calibrated in this inter-laboratory comparison are:

50mg, 500mg, 5g, 50g, 500g et 5kg

Calibration by comparison

The most appropriate calibration method is the comparison of the mass to be calibrated with a standard mass of equivalent nominal value, using a comparator or a balance. Numbers of repetitions and calibration cycles are left to the participant's choice. His own procedure must be used as well as his own calibration means (standards, comparators/balances).

Participants may register for one or more masses; it is not mandatory to calibrate all the proposed entities. In addition, any laboratory may participate, regardless of its uncertainty.

A detailed protocol will be provided to each participant at the beginning of the campaign.

PT organization

Each participant must calibrate the masses within one or two weeks. All the masses will circulate successively from one participant to the other.

Description and registration

Download the fact sheet and registration form for this inter-laboratory comparison below:

Fact sheet Registration form

For more information about this PT or if you have any needs, please contact us:

  • By email to: cilmasses@ct2m.fr
  • By phone: +33(0)
  • By using the contact form:

    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)

    Your phone number


    Concerned PT (optional)

    Your message
